Friendship Force of Central North Carolina (FFCNC) was formed in 2006 by the merger of the Winston-Salem Friendship Force Club and the Guilford County Chapter of North Carolina Citizens for International Understanding.
Our parent organization, Friendship Force International (FFI), is a non-profit cultural journey organization located in Atlanta, GA. FFI is dedicated to the principle that each person can make a contribution to global goodwill. Home hospitality, the heart of each journey, provides the opportunity for people of different countries and/or cultures to connect on a personal level.
International and domestic journeys are available annually. Outbound journeys offered by other Friendship Force clubs are often available to FFCNC members as well. On an outbound journey, “ambassadors” from the Triad travel to a destination and are hosted by a FFI club and members stay there for a week.
The group usually spends a second week touring the destination locale. On an inbound journey, FFCNC members receive “ambassadors” in their homes…and the club plans activities to showcase the Triad.
Dues are $30 per individual for a calendar year. Dues include membership in FFCNC and Friendship Force International. Members who join after September 1 will be considered paid up members through December 31st of the following year. If you have questions, our Membership Coordinator will be glad to answer them. Please send an email to contactus@ffcnc.org. If you would like to join, please print our Membership Application and follow the instructions.
FFCNC maintains a full calendar of activities (see Calendar) including potluck meals, picnics, LEO (“Let’s Eat Out) meetings at a variety of ethnic restaurants, welcome and farewell meals related to inbound journeys, orientation workshops for outbound journeys, council and committee meetings, etc. FFI clubs often use “Let There Be Peace On Earth” to close meetings and activities. Here are the lyrics: