This Open World delegation consisted of Oleg Sirbu and Oleg Tulea, both members of Parliament, facilitator Mariana Turcan, Natalia Lipca, project manager in the mayor’s office of the capital city of Chisinau, and Victor Rosca, General Secretary of the Democratic Liberal Party.

Time was not wasted. By afternoon the group was in the office of the Winston-Salem Journal speaking with the editor of the editorial page about political endorsements. Oleg T takes a close look at the newspaper.

While waiting to meet the mayor, Donna told the group about Winston-Salem’s second newspaper, “The Chronicle.”

On behalf of the delegation, Natalia presented the mayor with several gifts including a map of Moldova. Mariana helps show the mayor the location on the map of Chisinau, the capital city.

Walking to the next stop, Oleg T observes a few political posters at the headquarters of candidate, Earline Parmon.

Free time on Saturday afternoon and Sunday was spent in a variety of ways. Natalia enjoyed a visit to the Childress Winery.

Sunday evening a welcome party was hosted at the Delta Arts Center where Donna and her friend provided our entertainment.

After dinner each host introduced his guest as Hal Guess is doing in this photograph while his guest, Carmen, listens.

Monday morning was back to work as the delegation enjoyed a very interesting presentation by Mike Horn, a local political consultant.

The first speaker In the afternoon was retired Senator Broyhill who brought gifts for the Moldovans including maps of North Carolina.

Senator Broyhill remained with the group while Donny Lambeth, former Chairman of the WSFC school board and Republican candidate (running unopposed) for the NC House, met the delegation. The two gentleman shared their experiences running campaigns and serving in political office.

That evening Donna hosted a “Meet and Greet” at her home to highlight two more political candidates including Elizabeth Motsinger (pictured here) who spoke about her purpose and goals as a candidate for the US House of Representatives.

Tuesday morning the delegation enjoyed a tour of Old Salem. This Moravian guide told the group about various spices the Moravians used in their cooking.

Activities then shifted to Greensboro where the delegation visited Republican party headquarters. Oleg T seems to be absorbing the scope of the operation.

At the Democratic headquarters the delegation examined more documents, forms, and informational letters.

At the home of the Norths a cookout was enjoyed by (l to r) their neighbor from Romania, Theodoria; Victor; FFCNC member, Hal Guess; and FFCNC President, Peter Peiffer.

Wednesday began with a tour of the International Civil Rights Museum. Outside the museum Natalia admired a small sculpture of the A&T Four.

A chance encounter while on the campus of NCA&T provided the delegation the opportunity to meet one of the A&T four, Franklin McCain.